Get FEMA Disaster Assistance; Only Ten Days Left to Apply

SANTA FE, New Mexico – Chaves County homeowners and renters who were affected by the Oct. 19-20 storms and flooding may be eligible to receive federal disaster assistance from FEMA. But don’t wait to register! Jan. 2, 2025, is the last day to apply.How to Apply for FEMA Disaster AssistanceThe first step for individuals and households to receive financial help is to apply to FEMA for federal assistance. There are no costs involved to apply for, or receive, FEMA assistance. FEMA grants do not have to be repaid. FEMA assistance is nontaxable...
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NM Fires, Flood Recovery Over $34 Million in Federal Assistance

ROSWELL, New Mexico –More than seven months have passed since former President Joe Biden declared a major disaster in New Mexico. Under the declaration, he ordered federal financial assistance to supplement state, tribal, and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by the South Fork and Salt Fires that began on June 17, 2024, and the subsequent flooding.The Presidential action made federal funding available to affected individuals, families and businesses in Lincoln, Otero, Rio Arriba, San Juan counties and the Mescalero Apache Reservation.More than 1,400 structures, including at least 850 homes, were...
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Beware of Contractor Fraud: Go Local, Do Your Research

SANTA FE, New Mexico – FEMA and the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (NMDHSEM) caution Chaves County residents impacted by the Oct. 19-20 Storm and Flooding to be aware of post-disaster fraud and scams. Attempts to scam residents can be made over the phone, by mail or email, through the internet or in person. It is important to remain alert, as con artists are creative and resourceful. If an offer sounds too good to be true, it should be questioned.FEMA does not license or certify contractors. FEMA does...
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Claims Office Hosting a Mobile Connect Event to Help People Start Claims Before March 14 Extended Deadline

Santa Fe, NM – The Advocate’s Office from the FEMA Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Claims Office is traveling to communities impacted by the fire and subsequent flooding to assist individuals and businesses with starting a claim by the March 14, 2025, deadline. Mobile Connects were created to meet people where they are, as part of the increased effort to help those affected by the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire to file a Notice of Loss (NOL), the first step in starting a claim, before the deadline. Our Mobile Connects event this week is as scheduled:Thursday, Jan....
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FEMA, Cherokee Nation Sign Historic Agreement that Will Help Disaster Survivors

WASHINGTON -- Leaders of FEMA and the Cherokee Nation signed an agreement on Jan. 15 that will enable the Tribal Nation to deploy in support of FEMA’s operations during disasters, the first such agreement ever signed.The Intergovernmental Service Agreement (IGSA) is a formal, binding contract. Under the agreement, FEMA’s Supplemental Response Team (SRT) program is able to deploy to the Cherokee Nation’s Incident Management Team, giving it the opportunity to integrate with federal response. The partnership will also create new opportunities for tribal emergency managers to increase their capacity and capabilities to...
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