FEMA grants $4 million to the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service

AUSTIN, Texas — The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded nearly$4 million to the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) for help with search and rescue operations following Hurricane Harvey.  TEEX used labor, equipment, materials and contracts to direct teams who rescued stranded citizens and searched flooded buildings for survivors. The FEMA grant covered 100 percent of the projects’ costs because TEEX completed its emergency work within 30 days of the disaster declaration. The grant comes from FEMA’s Public Assistance grant program, which reimburses eligible applicants for actions taken in the immediate...
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FACT SHEET: Recovery at a Glance - CALHOUN COUNTY

OIG Hotline Report Fraud, Waste & Abuse Official website of the Department of Homeland SecurityOriginal linkOriginal author: christopher.teed
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Prepare for the unexpected: Build an emergency kit

AUSTIN, Texas — Hurricane season begins June 1, but disaster can strike any time. Make sure you’re prepared today by taking stock of your emergency kit.  Every household needs an easy-to-carry bundle of supplies like water, food and medications to last at least three days. In addition to one in your home, you may want to keep an emergency kit in your car, because you never know when disaster might strike. A basic emergency kit should include these items:Water: Include at least three gallons per person, to last a total of three...
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Perseverance, flood insurance help La Grange nonprofit recover from Harvey

AUSTIN, Texas — Texans on the Gulf Coast know each summer brings the possibility of hurricane-driven waters flooding their homes and businesses. In La Grange, Texas, about 100 miles inland, people were less prepared for the rushing water created by Hurricane Harvey, which inundated businesses, toppled homes and left hundreds without a bed to sleep in. At the nonprofit Second Chance Emporium resale store in downtown La Grange, workers prepared for the possibility of flooding before closing up shop Friday, Aug. 24, 2017. They put all their inventory in plastic bins and...
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Defend against disaster-related scams

AUSTIN, Texas — Disaster survivors need to protect themselves. Criminals know that people are vulnerable after events like Hurricane Harvey, and they devise schemes to take advantage. Two common types of post-disaster schemes are building contractor scams and rental property scams. Learn how to avert those schemes by visiting https://go.usa.gov/xEVgp and https://go.usa.gov/xEEKM, respectively.  Illegal activity associated with a disaster, though, takes many forms. See below for tips on how to avert some common schemes:  Price Gouging: Excessively raising prices on essential goods and services because of a disaster or severe weather is...
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